Thursday, December 31, 2009

Living In An Airport

Currently sitting in Dublin airport, segregated from all the other gates because I am traveling to the States. Its weird how intense it is just to fill out all the paper work and then get it all processed and still feel like you weren't just harassed. I just heard that for security reasons, they are asking passengers with wrapped Christmas presents to unwrap them for inspection before boarding. Recently I have been worried about my Irish drivers license which I lost two weeks before coming home for Christmas. Before Chrimbo, I was driving around cautiously, worried about getting pulled over and not having a license to show for anything. I was sure glad to get an emergency license under short notice BoyHoy!

I had been pulled over an abundance of times in America for no real reason and without being fined for the fake faults they had prescribed in my driving. I do drive well. I had to cancel two trips to Canada where I was going to race unfortunately. My goal is to make up for the races lost before the next semester starts. Its hard to be confident when your trying to fit a million things into a short period of time. Christmas was one of these times.Now I am flying to Boston, then promptly driving 4 hrs to New Jersey just to make it to "Me Beor" for the New Year festivities...Ah Bless!!

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